The Role of Plan Managers We have received questions about the role of plan managers and their responsibilities to approve, change, or implement a participant’s NDIS plan. Broadly speaking, Plan Management refers to the financial administration of an NDIS plan on a participant’s behalf. A Plan Manager’s role is to
ensure a plan is implemented as intended, including ensuring funds are being spent in accordance with the plan. The role of a Plan Manager is not to determine or confirm with the NDIA whether the supports or services purchased are reasonable and necessary, nor resolve matters related to support categories. These are things a participant or their nominee must address with the NDIA. If a participant wants to check their claim is from the correct support category, or a claimable support, they, or their authorised representative, need to speak directly with a My NDIS Contact or the NDIA contact centre. A Plan Manager cannot, and should not, do this on behalf of the participant. Click on the link below for more information.